Collateral Program

Kultur in Graz

Walter Köstenbauer

For artist Walter Köstenbauer, the chance discovery of a piece of military camouflage from the former Yugoslavia in 2002 and the study of philosophers Jean-François Lyotard und Arthur C. Danto became the basis for the project ent.tarnung.mensch. Lyotard advocates direct access to a work of art, unencumbered by the need for theoretical background knowledge, while for Danto it is the theoretical foundation (concept) that makes a thing into a work of art. These fundamentally different positions constituted a starting point for the pacifist idea of “de-functionalization.” In the meantime, this idea has grown into a comprehensive long-term project. ent.tarnung.mensch presents original military fabrics from 15 nations, fashionable fabric patterns, imitations of animal skins, and different objets trouvés.


Kultur in Graz
Lagergasse 98a
8020 Graz

Wed-Sat 11:00–22:00

Free admission

Opening 13.9., 18:00
Artist Talk 3.10., 18:00
Finissage 17.10., 18:00